Therapy Corner

  • Of Yogurt, Yoga, and Yoda

    Americans are a shopping people. Cars, stereos, clothes, videos, you name it, we’ll buy it. Or, as my mother...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Say A Prayer

    It probably comes as no surprise to regular readers of this column that knee pain ranks at the top...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Waddling on

    On two previous occasions (Articles #7 and 38 ) I have addressed the issue of running form and stride...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Iatrogenic Injuries

    Almost everyone has heard of the Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians upon graduation from medical school. Most people are...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Hamstrings Revisited

    As every Sweet and Sour Soup connoisseur knows, the Chinese zodiac assigns to each year the name of an...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Faux Fasciitis

    Over the past month I have seen two runners referred with a diagnosis of plantar fasciitis. Not an unreasonable...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Ins and Outs

    The majority of tendinitis conditions affecting the lower leg and foot are felt along the medial (inner) side of...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • The E-ffect of De-fects

    Improper footwear is a frequent cause for running injuries. Quite often a patient’s history reveals that, just prior to...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Weighty Matters

    L.B. is a young woman who is currently rehabilitating her right knee following arthroscopic surgery one week ago. Her...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • The True Achilles Heel (Retrocalcaneal Bursitis)

    In article #47 the most common form of bursitis in runners – trochanteric – was discussed. While there are...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • The Bursitis Virus

    “My bursitis is acting up again!” This is one of the most common complaints heard by physical therapists, usually...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Double Workouts

    I am a firm believer in double workouts. I advocate double workouts to enhance performance as well as to...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Compartment Syndrome

    L.W. (not his real name) is a 43 (not his real age) year old novice runner from Oklahoma (not...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Shin Splints

    In reviewing this column’s past entries to find a topic that has never been covered, I discovered that –...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Of Yogurt, Yoga, and Yoda

    Americans are a shopping people. Cars, stereos, clothes, videos, you name it, we’ll buy it. Or, as my mother...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Say A Prayer

    It probably comes as no surprise to regular readers of this column that knee pain ranks at the top...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Waddling on

    On two previous occasions (Articles #7 and 38 ) I have addressed the issue of running form and stride...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Iatrogenic Injuries

    Almost everyone has heard of the Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians upon graduation from medical school. Most people are...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Hamstrings Revisited

    As every Sweet and Sour Soup connoisseur knows, the Chinese zodiac assigns to each year the name of an...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Faux Fasciitis

    Over the past month I have seen two runners referred with a diagnosis of plantar fasciitis. Not an unreasonable...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Ins and Outs

    The majority of tendinitis conditions affecting the lower leg and foot are felt along the medial (inner) side of...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • The E-ffect of De-fects

    Improper footwear is a frequent cause for running injuries. Quite often a patient’s history reveals that, just prior to...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Weighty Matters

    L.B. is a young woman who is currently rehabilitating her right knee following arthroscopic surgery one week ago. Her...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • The True Achilles Heel (Retrocalcaneal Bursitis)

    In article #47 the most common form of bursitis in runners – trochanteric – was discussed. While there are...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • The Bursitis Virus

    “My bursitis is acting up again!” This is one of the most common complaints heard by physical therapists, usually...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Double Workouts

    I am a firm believer in double workouts. I advocate double workouts to enhance performance as well as to...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Compartment Syndrome

    L.W. (not his real name) is a 43 (not his real age) year old novice runner from Oklahoma (not...

    Syracuse Chargers
  • Shin Splints

    In reviewing this column’s past entries to find a topic that has never been covered, I discovered that –...

    Syracuse Chargers